Consultant Archive: Terry Horst
Terry Horst has been assisting TKF as our Landscape Design consultant for several decades.
As a landscape designer, Terry works closely with our office to sensitively integrate our buildings into their surrounding landscape. She prepares all required technical details for earthwork, grading, and paving. She selects landscape materials such as plantings, and paving surfaces, and she coordinates all elements of the site to ensure proper drainage. Additionally, she has developed and designed specific elements such as outdoor pavilions, and playground facilities
On a personal note, one of the things that has made such a comfortable working relationship between Terry and Dan is the fact that their career paths are remarkably similar. Terry started working at (then) Schumm & Maxian just about the same time Dan started working at Teitsch-Kent-Fay Architects, P.C.. Terry spent several years mentoring under Harry Schumm, who was a close personal friend of Jack Teitsch. Both Terry and Dan share a profound gratitude to have had the chance to work with such wonderful mentors. Both joined their respective firms, and upon the retirement of the senior partners (Harry and Jack) both entered into partnership with their successors. In Terry’s case, she worked closely with Al Maxian for a number of years, eventually helping to facilitate his retirement from the firm. These striking parallels have allowed Terry and Dan to be confidants and use one another as a kind of “sounding board” for projects.
Terry’s enthusiasm for what she does is quite infectious. It is not unusual for Brian or Dan to arrive on site to find that Terry got there long before them to walk the fields, or make observations about the progress of the sitework. A perfect example of this is the decades long work Terry has put in at Sharon Springs Central School. Sharon Springs was always plagued by localized flooding problems. Terry has worked tirelessly for quite some time implementing a master plan to solve these issues through a series of projects.
Another market that has benefited from Terry’s skills has been our religious work. Terry joined Dan in Central Square to discuss the front entry to the new Church Building with the Pastor, Rev. Christopher Seibt. Terry and Father immediately hit it off and proceeded to walk the entire facility discussing different types of plantings, the soil conditions, and options for paving materials. Dan simply stood by as these two “old” friends (who had only met about an hour previously) practically completed each other's sentences as they worked out the details for the entry garden.
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