Interview of Firm Founder Jack Teitsch
As we celebrate the 56th anniversary of the founding of the firm, it seems appropriate to remember our founding partner John F. “Jack” Teitsch.
While Jack passed in 2019, we are fortunate to have an article published in the Cazenovia Republican newspaper in 2000, reporting on a celebration of his career at the time of his retirement. The following are excerpts from that interview:
“Few people who drive by the buildings he has designed would know the care and time he has taken with them. Teitsch’s colleagues want more people to know how much he has done for local architecture. They will hold a reception… at St James Roman Catholic Church, a Cazenovia church Teitsch designed more than 30 years ago.
The St. James Church is a fitting place to review Teitsch’s career. Since 1966, he has renovated or designed 141 houses of worship… The churches he has worked on include St. John’s in Clay, St. Augustines in Baldwinsville, St. Ann’s in Manlius, St. Mary of the Lake in Skaneateles… Despite the attention, Teitsch remains modest: “We’re really kind of a low-key firm,” he said.
Some would differ. St. James Church…broke new ground… featuring a fan-shaped seating arrangement, an altar moved closer to the congregation, and a choir and organ in the front instead of tucked away… Teitsch has also designed buildings for Colgate and St. Lawrence Universities…Community Memorial Hospital… and even helped 229 homeowners renovate or design their homes.
Teitsch has plenty of civic connections… involved in the Cazenovia Area Planning Project, and…the town planning board and the board of the Cazenovia Preservation Foundation. “I’m retired but I’m not sitting around wondering what I’m going to do from one day to the next.”
Teitsch concluded the interview, discussing his passion for running by recounting a marathon he had run at age 70, saying “I run one every 10 years…I always say it takes me five years to recover and five years to train for the next one.”
Jack, and his beloved wife Anne continued their well-earned retirement, surrounded by their family, for many years. While they are both gone now, their memory, their mentorship, and their profound kindness will always be remembered by those of us who knew them, and their values and example continue to inform the firm to this day
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